Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Now or Never

I've realized a lot on this trip. Probably because while you're driving, other than to sing at the top of your voice, listen to NPR and have random road rage - there's nothing to do but think. So I've been doing tons of that. For starters, I've realized that I'm ready to start taking good care of my relationships with friends, family and loved ones. Maybe being completely alone all the time will do that to a person. Another thing, It's not the place, it's the people. Here I’ve been so concerned with where I’m going, but not necessarily as much as who’s there.

After spending nearly a week with Mekenzie and friends, I feel sooo welcome in Charlotte! I love the atmosphere, I love how well I fit in with her friends. I love that everything is so close, but nothing feels too commercialized or overwhelming. Several of her friends own businesses and I’m super excited to do the same. I think I really like Charlotte. And just think, I was playing with the idea of moving down here YEARS ago!

Maybe hanging out on Thomas Street and playing Farkle at Common House and shopping at cute shops and visiting Ikea is what I’ve been looking for.

Maybe now is the time.
Maybe I’m ready.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Yesterday I ate with Mekenzie, her boyfriend Stewart and friend Kelly at a great place called "The Penguin." I got to enjoy an amazing burger then followed that up with a chocolate dipped chocolate ice cream cone - the first "dipped" ice cream cone I've ever had! :D

I've learned quickly that Charlotte is a "small" big city. I wasn't sure what to expect when I came here, but I'd say this is pretty close. There's potential here. Today I will expore some.

I wanted to point out an important factor for this trip: I'm on a $10 a day budget. That means that if I spend more than $10 one day I have to make up for it the next. I've tried REALY hard to stick to the budget and I'm feeling pretty good about it. The less I spend per day, the longer and farther this trip will go. I don't completely deny myself, but I don't splurge too much either. I've found that CS hosts will offer breakfast to get your day started and sometimes other meals as well. But peanut butter sandwiches have become a staple for me, that's for sure. I spent about $15 yesterday so today is going to be spent catching up. Looks like oatmeal and pb sandwiches for this girl today!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Knoxville to Charlotte!

My Knoxville experience was interesting. I spent part of the day in World's Fair Park where I wrote in my journal and played with little kids in the fountain that was like a huge sprinkler. I was overwhelmed by it when I was in the middle, there was soooooo much water coming at me from everywhere! I'm sure all the kids parents thought I was a creepo that was going to kidnap their child.

After drying off from that, I meandered around town, finally ending up in a public library. I wanted to figure out what to do in the city. Come to find out, I'd driven halfway across town to the library when all that morning I was RIGHT beside "Old City" and the happening part of town! My host even told me about it and I forgot! It turned out great though because by the time I learned about Old City it was after 6 p.m. and I quickly figured out that parking was free city-wide in the parking garages after 6. I got to walk around the square and down Gay Street where lots of cool people were hanging out.

When it started raining I sat on the steps outside the East Tennessee History Museum, which would have been a cool way to spend the afternoon if I had found it earlier! I Googled information about Hank Williams Sr. and his death. I'd heard some people discussing Hank while I was at the Ryman in Nashville and they mentioned Knoxville, Farragut and something about Hank dying at a hotel and his body being shoved in the back of a car for that drive through West Virginia. I'm still curious about that, I'd like to find out more. I also saw the hotel he stayed in while in Knoxville, but I was only able to drive past it. By the way, Tyler will correct this story for me, I'm sure! ;)

Back to the story: Abby put me in touch with her friend Will who was a great guy with an awesome rescue dog named Oscar. We talked about a lot of things, he fed me pizza that night then eggs in the morning and we had a nice time. I got him excited enough about couch surfing that he signed up while I was there!

I wish that the next day I spent exploring Old City, but instead I headed toward Asheville. It actually turned out great because if I hadn't left when I did, I may have missed the beautiful sights while driving along the Smoky Mountains. It was amazingly beautiful! I listened to some great music on a CD I thought was blank, enjoyed the trees that were soooo green, and driving on that curvy road was a lot of fun. I am so glad that someone was courageous enough to brave going over those mountains so that I would have the opportunity to do so with ease and safety. Remind me, I'll tell you how I've been feeling about early settlers later.

I regret not realizing that the Cherokee Indian reservation that I wanted to see was SOUTH of Asheville, not NORTH and by the time I figured it out, I would've had to back-track an hour or more in order to get there. I'll put Biltmore, the Cherokee reservation and Old City Knoxville on my vacation list for later.

After exploring some of Asheville (not much) I made my way to Mekenzie's in Charlotte. I stopped at a roadside rest and did my best to clean and organize my car. The little vacuum that plugs into the cigarette lighter is a girls best friend! I stopped for gas; $2.69 this way, and of course got turned around trying to find Mekenzie's apartment. Thankfully not terribly and it was the shortest amount of time I've spent lost so far! haha

Mekenzie and I used to work together at the library and we haven't seen each other in a long while. She and her boyfriend were so funny and easy to get along with. They took me to a little market to hang out we chatted until really late. Now I'm waiting on her to get off work to see what new adventure awaits!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Down the Road

Nashville is MUCH smaller than I imagined. I was all smiles on the drive there, listening to a CD that Abby burned for me. It made me want to dance in my chair! ;) As usual, I got completely turned around and missed an exit, went to far, went down the wrong street, couldn't figure out which direction to go and finally figured out that Google maps on my phone works BETTER when I'm on back roads because in the city it could never figure out which street I was on.

But finally I made it. I visited the Parthenon while I waited on my host to get off work. He invited me to an after-party for an event hosted by Jack Daniels. I was a little nervous, expecting crazy drunk people, but what I found was FREE BBQ! I am learning to like BBQ sauce but that didn't even matter because I was so hungry and thirsty. I drank two waters and a pop! (Excuse me - SODA - down here.) I also got a free t-shirt for helping clean up but it was for Volunteer Nashville... wish I'd have gotten one of those cool JD VIP bags, they were full of neat goodies!

Later on, after I checked out the place that was to be my home for four days I was trying as discreetly as possible to find other accommodations. Between the not so nice digs to the creepy friends of the host (who, by the way, made me play a strategic game of nerd-dom until I was ready to tell them to shove their settlements right up their you-know-whats), I was nervous that first night. I got up at the butt crack of dawn, which to me is about 7:15 a.m. Central time. (I'm still sleeping on an Eastern time schedule) packed my little bag and hit the door running!

I spent the day exploring by myself and trying to find a new place to stay. I LOVED the Ryman and paid extra to get the backstage tour. I sorta wish I'd have saved those extra dollars and made a "record" of me singing instead. I decided 15 bucks wasn't worth is though and I figure someone can do the same thing for me for cheap as free. I meandered up and down Broadway most of the day then got in touch with the CS ambassador for Nashville. We met up and ventured to her friends house where we were surprised to find a house full of gay boys. It was quite comical and I had a good time.

At this point I'd been in contact with Abby and decided to head back to Clarksville for the night. By the time I said goodbye and hit the road I was driving straight into a HUGE lightning storm. I'd never seen lightning more beautiful and/or scary! It was amazing and even though the rain was pouring, I made good time. As I was pulling onto the road that would take me back to Clarksville, I felt like I was going home. It was a good feeling and I'm so thankful Abby let me occupy her couch for another night! (See, that's why she's so awesome!)

Now Knoxville is on the horizon since Nashville was such a short trip. I found a CS host in the city and she helped me find her house after I (of course) missed the turn. Her husband was nothing but gracious and showed me to my room (with a bed!) and made me breakfast the next morning. Abby's friend Will is going to show me around and let me sleep on his futon... let's hope this turns out better!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saying "So Long" to Clarksville

Today is my last day in Clarksville. It's been a great couple of days and I've had a great time getting to know Clarksville, my Couch Surfing host, Abby, and her precious kitties, Mya and Sophie. I pretty much know my way around "downtown" and I've really gotten used to this sleepy grown-up version of Gallipolis. I give this town a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Here's why:

- Downtown is a beautiful area to see, from the architecture to the cleanliness of the area
- Clarksville DOES have fun things to do such as "Porkin' in the Park" - a BBQ fest with music
- It's easy to find your way around
- The city governmental offices are located in what used to be an empty shopping center
- "Let's Go Peay" is a clever way to promote your local college town-wide
- Lots of interesting and beautiful old homes
- The fast food areas of town are farther away from everything but still close enough that it's not a hike. Makes things feel less comercialized.
- Cute eateries, interesting pubs and unique shops in the historic parts of town
- Part of the bible belt
- A little too sleepy for what I was going for (maybe)
- People don't seem very friendly :(

This has been a really enjoyable place to visit! I REALLY like Clarksville and I'm glad I made it my first CS experience. There are more positives than negatives and a 3.5 sets the standards for the next towns I visit.

Let's take a tour of my time here:

I visited the local library because you know how much I love libraries! I loved the children's section and with its murals of local sights the fact that it was enclosed... with a DOOR! Now wouldn't that be nice for Bossard? The teen section was interesting and pretty large. I liked the surf theme on the windows. The veterans quilt hanging on the wall was a neat way to honor local service members in a semi-permanent public setting.

I went for a walking tour of town on a 90+ degree day - which didn't last long - and I found some interesting architecture, a railroad bridge turned walking platform and cool antique shops. Ate a place named "Blondies" then I went back to Abby's to get a nap nap.
We went to visit the Blackhorse Pub on her day off and I got the GREATEST hamburger, EVER! Yum! I also learned about mug clubs while I was there. Antique shopping is fun, and it inspired me to want to make vintage type clothing. What a cool project to work on when I'm settled!

Abby is an AMAZING person! We had great talks and laughed about things like the "poop kitchen" and "Porkin' in the Park" until we couldn't breathe. We also watched "The Secret Life of Bees" and cried together. I was able to meet her best friend Matt and his little girl Maggie (so sad that I have no pictures!) and we hung out with them more than once during my stay. I'm sooo glad that I chose Abby and later on you'll see why!

On the day I left, I worte Abby an extremely long note on the inside AND back of a thank you card and then we went outside for "So long!" pictures:

This girl is awesome. Go sleep on her futon.
Nashville's next!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Early for Once/Sleeping in a Car/Night One on the Couch

Yesterday I started the first day of travel outside of Ohio. I was so excited to go back to Mammoth Caves that I ended up being early. In fact, because I also forgot about the time change I was about three hours early. Oops. But the Violet City tour that I saw was great. It was latern lit and super creepy to walk in the front where nothing but darkness stretches out in front of you. It was really hard to see but it was pretty magical knowing this was how early explorers and tourists would have seen it.

Last I night I slept in my car in the heat and humidity outside some random Walmart.
I don't recommend doing that.
I set my alarm to go off every hour so I'd wake up and make sure I was still breathing.

Now I'm in Clarksville. I met my Couch Surfing host, Abby, at work and she sent me to her house for a shower and a desperately needed nap. We've had a great night, lots of laughs and a cool walking tour of the part of the city - it's a just a big Gallipolis! I've met a couple of her friends and they're all really great. Whoever thought of the idea to couch surf is an amazing person. I'm saving around $100 for every night I spend crashing on someone's couch, plus the company sure makes traveling alone a lot more enjoyable...

...and it sure beats sleeping in a car.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The opposite of belief is not doubt, it is certainty

I had an inspiring lunch with an old professor last week. Between bites of chimichanga and refried beans we talked about where I'm headed.

"Be a pessimist, then you won't be dissapointed."
"It's all about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - which means your happenstance. Doing what makes you happy but not neccessarily the pursuit of being happy.
"The opposite of belief isn't doubt, it is certainty" - You can only be certain of something or have faith that is real enough to believe in.

I'm profoundly affected by the words of my teacher. Though our classroom this time was the brightly colored bench seats of a booth in a mexican resturant, I'm still learning. I expected many of the things we talked about, I already knew them - it's just that sometimes I just need to be told. My trip shouldn't be about finding happiness outside myself but within myself.

I'm traveling for the experience and the chance to learn new things. I'm traveling because I love to and because I may never be in the same place in my life at the exact right moment again. I'm traveling because I need to.

I also visited my other source of focus and energy. Lisa has had an incredible journey over the last several months and while I wasn't there for every moment of her battle with cancer, I never saw her be anything but positive and light up the room with her creativity and passion. I wasn't expecting anything when I walked through her door - except some hugs and good advice - so I was surprised when she handed me a teeny doll from Singapore. It was a gift from a pen-pal from when she was younger; it would keep her safe while it hung from her door and she was passing it on to me.

I couldn't be more thankful. And now there's lots to think about.